Chorlton Do A Double
Chorlton RAM and Chorlton Mark Master Masons No.394.
Urmston Masonic Hall 1881, Urmston, Manchester. Weds 3rd October 2018
A pleasant day here in the South of the Province, overcast, but with some pleasant flashes of sunlight now and then, the leaves are all starting to fall as we head towards my favourite time of the year November which of course includes Remembrance Sunday when many Mark Masons attend their local Cenotaphs to lay a wreath to the memory of those who have fallen.
Members of Chorlton RAM
Only a short report on this occasion but one which is quite unique, a Candidate to be Elevated into Chorlton Royal Ark Mariners Lodge and a Candidate to be Advanced into Chorlton Mark Masons Lodge.
WC Sylvester During & New Member Nigel Paton
The RAM meeting tyled on time at 4.30 pm and following some general lodge business items, Bro. Nigel Frederick Paton a member of Cloister Mark Lodge No.1475 was duly admitted and elevated by the W.Commander Bro.Sylvester During and his officers in an excellent ceremony which I’m sure Nigel  will long remember. Before we had time to take a breath the Mark Meeting was duly tyled at 6pm, which included the newly made member of the RAM Nigel, Bro. Daren Lee Gregory a member of Davyhulme Craft Lodge No.3715 was duly elevated to a Mark Master Mason by Worshipful  Master Malcolm Jacobs and his officers in yet another excellent Ceremony, whew, I got the feeling that every one present was now ready for some liquid refreshments.
PGM’s Special Rep Graham Bailey & New Mark Mason Darren Gregory
Everybody made their way to the dining room and once their chosen drinks had been collected took their allotted seats at the Festive Board to be served with an excellent meal by the very efficient and friendly staff.
The Festive Board
All the usual Toasts and responses were well received especially those from the two Candidates of the evening, time seemed to flash by as it does when in good company and in what seemed a blink of the eye it was time for everyone to say their goodbye’s and go out into the chilled night air, here’s to our next merry meeting.
Not a member of the colourful Royal Ark Mariners Degree yet Come and Join Us where you will make even more friends.
Mark Well
Words and pictures by Austin N Fletcher. GStwd.  Prov RAMGR.